Overwatch 2 players baffled by upcoming Season 8 nerfs for already unused hero

That doesn't sound right.

Poster for Concert Clash, a time-limited mode in Overwatch 2
Image via Blizzard

Overwatch 2’s season eight will bring significant changes to multiple heroes, but one set of included tweaks isn’t sitting well with the crowd.

In a preview for season eight balance changes, Blizzard said it’s nerfing Brigette, reverting the damage on her Whip Shot—which was buffed to 80 with Oct. 10’s patch—back to 70.

Brigette, Overwatch 2 hero.
This isn’t Overwatch 1, Blizzard. Image via Blizzard

In a Reddit post dated  Nov. 30, a player named u/HalexUwU highlighted the irony of Blizzard calling Brigette the “best-performing support hero” before concluding she’s becoming a “must-pick” based on community feedback. “So the lowest pick rate support in all ranks (other than grandmaster) is ‘becoming a must-pick’ and getting nerfed while nothing happens to Ana?” they wrote in the post, stressing that an Ana nerf seemed more plausible considering her dominant state in the meta.

Interestingly, several players took the opportunity of HalexUwU’s post to call out Blizzard for being biased toward Ana from the beginning. “All devs are Ana mains,” one player said in a comment, agreed with by several others.

Another player highlighted how nonsensical hitting Brigette with the nerf hammer sounds when “Ana has DOUBLE the pick rate of the 2nd most picked support (Mercy).” A third player joked that Blizzard might have been noting her high pick rate in the now-inactive time-limited mode, Concert Clash. “Maybe that’s where they got their data, lol,” they wrote.  

According to numbers from Overbuff, Brigette is currently the least-picked support hero across most competitive ranks in Overwatch 2, thanks to her situational kit. Ana, on the other hand, is not just the most popular support hero; she’s also one of the most picked heroes, regardless of the class. To have a hero like Ana and still focus on weakening the underpicked character is a bit odd, as players are rightfully pointing out.

Thankfully, it’s just a small change and probably isn’t going to weaken Brigette much, but players are finding it hard to wrap their heads around it anyway.  


Sharmila Ganguly
Staff Writer at Dot Esports. An enthusiastic gamer who bumped into the intricacies of video game journalism in 2021 and has been hustling ever since. Obsessed with first-person shooter titles, especially VALORANT. Contact: [email protected]